Upcoming prototype of LoRa node of RVTech s.r.o.

A new LoRaWAN compatible device is going to be launched by RVTech s.r.o. at the beginning of the year 2017. This device will be able to operate on 2 LRATH batteries for several years (up to 10 years). The device can be used to monitor environmental variables (pressure, humidity, temperature, gas detection). In the modified version, the device could be adapted for reading water meters, gas meters, electricity meters and heat supply in apartment buildings.

The device will carry a subscription for the LORATECH network of Pilsen, but it will also be easy to reconfigure for using in other networks. In Pilsen, however, users are going to have the advantage of registering the sensor in the network by a few clicks in the web application, so they can easily get data from the purchased sensor without any complex setup.

Although this is a technological novelty, the expected price will make around 2000 CZK, and the price for connecting into the LORATECH network will make around 30 CZK/month. So everything is much cheaper than it was with 3G technologies and mobile operators.